Cooke Lenses

Faster, Lighter, Smarter
With a maximum aperture of T1.4 across the majority of the focal length range, the new S8/i FF lenses are amongst the very fastest produced for larger than Full Frame capture. They also offer greater control over depth of field and flare characteristics, whilst still providing excellent low light performance.

Designed from the ground up to incorporate our very latest intelligent /i technology, which includes: /i data focus and iris position, /i motion inertial data and /i maps factory calibrated shading and distortion data. They also benefit from a high degree of modularity, which increases reliability and reduces servicing time.

Compact and light, agile and easy to handle, the new S8/i FF lenses have been created for a wide variety of situations and today’s compact digital cinema cameras. Being lighter however, has not compromised strength, durability, or their exceptional image aesthetic.
